Trustworthy and reliable Game Production staff are extremely important for a successful game day. bright SPORTS + ENTERTAINMENT has a vast network of Producers, PA Announcers, Scoreboard Operators and others throughout the United States, as well as a group willing to travel for special events.
Game Producers
In Game Production, your producer is the quarterback of the show. They know the playbook and the strengths and weaknesses of the team. They know when to alert the group of a possible obstacle and can audible on the fly if necessary.
This person is responsible for scripting and timing out your event. They will work closely with your team, including marketing, sponsorship, operations and others to fully grasp your vision for the event. On the day of the event, rest easy knowing they will facilitate the entire show.
We can help you find a seasoned producer as well as support staff to make sure everything runs smoothly on game day.
Public Address Announcers
This is the heart and soul of your event, so the person you choose to fill this role should be on-brand and fit within your strategic plan for game presentation. Like in anything else, never be afraid to coach or even replace someone who doesn’t share the vision. If this person is not providing top-notch service, cut them loose. Conversely, it’s important that you recognize your talented PA Announcer as they are as much a part of the game as anyone else. They may be heard and not seen on game day, but they can also serve as another facet to your social media marketing strategy.
bright SPORTS + ENTERTAINMENT can help you find and assess talent, as well as create best practices for script-writing.
Scoreboard Operators
Pitch count, clock operation, down and distance…we’ve got you covered with turnkey personnel to fill these roles.